Saturday, March 5, 2011

"... And This Is Just My Own Personal Opinion, Without Any Factual Data To Back It Up ..."

She said it. Admitted speculation, all the time. What's shrink-talk for someone who recognizes she's delusional, but indulges her paranoia anyway? Ah, "money-grubbing liar, making a living scaring others." Thanks. (WARNING: Stupid leftists can't adjust varying volumes. Gets loud at 1:30.)Bonus from mind-reader Gaffney. He knows who wants to be Caliph.J.C at B.J. put it well:
But does it bother anyone else that a former Deputy Defense Secretary is now some crazy dude with a bullhorn and a trenchcoat shouting in the park?
We don't understand why no one has any information on Jones' prison record & how long he's been in the Aryan Brotherhood.Could the ass-wipe whining about "Starbucks®" & "capitalism" please explain what any of that has to do w/ Jesus or Muhammad? Would Mr. Whiney take one of those high-paying Starbucks® jobs, big capitalist that he is?

(Please consult any Arabic dictator or Muslim potentate for their feelings on capitalism. Or have they taken all the petro- & corrupto-dollars from their Swiss accounts & moved their funds to China to invest in the workers paradise?)

Also amusing that the clash of civilizations involves one civilization announcing the excuse for publicity, then not showing up, while maybe 50 or so uncoördinated saps representing the other civilization responded to the provocation. (We will not worry that there'll be fighting in America's streets, Weimar-style, until the pudgy middle-aged women holding signs are replaced by angry young bags of testosterone holding weapons.)

Most amusing though, is that this spectacle distracts us (& millions of others who might actually do something) from the revolutionary acts of resistance that should be taking place now as the American economy (& the hard-won rights of the American people) continues to crumble under the attacks of capitalists who want to return us to a Randian caliphate where the richest pig would be the default lord of the manor.

(Personal note: We are being driven nutty ourself by the inner conflict such self-retards cause: Should we succumb to the perfectly-sensible desire to place that guy's head in a hydraulic press & fucking pulp it, or is pointing & laughing uproariously enough to keep our head from exploding?)


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Most amusing though, is that this spectacle distracts us (& millions of others who might actually do something) from the revolutionary acts of resistance that should be taking place now as the American economy (& the hard-won rights of the American people) continues to crumble under the attacks of capitalists who want to return us to a Randian caliphate where the richest pig would be the default lord of the manor.

Don't worry: DANA (fuckin') MILBANK to the ramparts!!!

P.S. Yeah, it wasn't easy typing 'ramparts' without mentioning Mickey Kaus.

Substance McGravitas said...

P.S. Yeah, it wasn't easy typing 'ramparts' without mentioning Mickey Kaus.

Some good has come from this.

M. Bouffant said...

Older Than Dirt Itself Editor Dates Himself:

You kids are sick, sick, sick.

Our first thought.