Friday, September 17, 2010

On The Lam, But No ...

Went to the cinema at this recently opened entertainment enclave this evening. We were amused when, looking for eats inside the compound, we came across this. When we saw "NZ Natural" in the EAT menu, we were hoping for ovine meat delicacies, but no.
Final decision: Mariela's Taco, in the 'hood,
$4.25 for a fine carne asada burrito. Better than the average strip mall/stand burrito. People always bitch though.
This place is absolutely coated in two things: lines from the Bible and gang graffiti. Whoever does the decor here needs to get back to Ikea.

The food here is pretty decent but slow as hell. Take your ass to any of the local trucks for a taco that doesn't take 40 minutes to prepare. Seriously, you're just putting meat on a tortilla. Maybe you should hurry your shit up so you can spend your free time cleaning the XV3 tags off all the tables.
True, except for the time. We bitched about the Jesus ourself. Ten Commandments clearly posted also.
Allegedly from men's room. Did not personally use.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

People always bitch though.

It's a law of nature.

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

When we saw "NZ Natural" in the EAT menu, we were hoping for ovine meat delicacies, but no.

AK and Smut haven't rolled out the "Black Pudding" and "Akvavit" flavours just yet!

Mendacious D said...

lines from the Bible and gang graffiti

Looks like someone can't see the writing on the wall...