Monday, September 27, 2010

Hollywood Insider

The Hollywood Reporter takes a slightly different view of things. They quote from yesterday's Bagging event.
"Their business model is going to crap not because they can't figure out CGI or 3D," Breitbart said, "it's because they have a contempt for their audience."
Right again, Andrew. Certainly someone who likes to screech about the left's "plausible-deniability McCarthyism" & "Alinsky tactics" while equating social justice w/ communism has the greatest respect for his audience.


Substance McGravitas said...

One of the reasons the last spate of Star Wars films was so excellent was because they started off complaining about taxes.

C'mon, Hollywood! Bring us a Saw movie about welfare moms!

M. Bouffant said...

Hollywood Editor Announces:

Good idea!! Pitching it to Breitbart tomorrow a.m.

He loves the concept.