Friday, September 17, 2010

Titties & Bears

As brought to world attention by BJ. We wouldn't have bothered if the title hadn't suddenly popped into our head, aneurysm-stylee. (Real bear shots; the "titties" involved are those of Ann Coulter &, briefly, Kim Cattrall. Fair warning?)


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

The "One Dollar, One Vote" corporate whores screech about the Constitution.

I'm moving to Costa Rica, I understand there's a lot of butterfly pictures one can take there.

M. Bouffant said...

Hates America, Wants To Leave Like Everybody Else Editor Worries:

We could live like royalty on our "retirement" (Or not. Who really knows?) but isn't C.A. pretty much played out as far as Yankee pig-dogs moving in, gentrifying & jacking up costs? And also, overwhelming habitats?