Thursday, May 6, 2010

Know Your Enemies: Erik Prince, Newt Gingrich

What's this crap?

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PBS advises us to "cut and paste this code to embed this clip - it needs to stay all on one line." Easier said than done, tote bag mongers.

The vids, then, anyway. Newt w/ future wing-nut welfare recipients at the Heritage Foundation is a curiosity worth the look, though it may dull out as it goes on, being the Snoozehour & all.

Erik Prince may be the only wing-nut who could present an actual threat to anyone beyond the hundred or so victims of a random bombing at a gov't. bldg. Jeremy Scahill on Democracy Now! is on Xe/Blackwater & its leader like wrinkles on a cheap suit or any article of clothing we own.

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