Monday, May 10, 2010

It's A Yoke, Son

At Closet Case Central, nervousness over nominee Kagan mounts:
The White House has flatly stated that she is not gay, which could prove a tad embarrassing if the open secret of her lesbianism is confirmed at some point. If she's a lesbian, it is going to become public knowledge, and the White House will simply have some more egg on its already yoke-splattered [sic] face.
We wouldn't want to guess what spatters typist Bryan Fischer's face, if you know what we mean.
She cannot be kept closeted not only from the public but from the inquiring minds of the media. They have a solemn responsibility to do one thing: ask her directly and openly and in front of the American people: Are you a lesbian?

A refusal to answer is a tacit admission of guilt. But she may not be able publicly to deny she's a lesbian, likely because it's true. She may not be able to admit it either, because it could cost her a Supreme Court post. So she's likely to refuse to answer the question at all, and the only plausible explanation for her evasion would be because rumors of her lesbianism aren't rumors at all but based in fact.

Think about it for a minute. If you were falsely accused of engaging in sexually aberrant behavior, would you waste a single minute challenging such a scurrilous rumor?
The editorial staff here wouldn't waste any time at all challenging it. (No such thing as bad publicity. We realize Fischer probably meant "would you waste a single minute before challenging such a scurrilous rumor?" but he can't spell, so why would we expect clear typing?

Perhaps diaper sex w/ a prostitute is OK. We'd have to assume it's not "aberrant," or there would certainly be a call for Louisiana Senator Vitter's resignation included here:
We cannot afford to have another sexually abnormal individual in a position of important civic responsibility ...