Monday, May 3, 2010

Die, Already

Big ups to the local Chicago Times (Or is it the L.A. Tribune?) for running the same Sunday crossword yesterday that ran two fucking wks. ago. How's the print biz working out for you, Mr. DirecTV?


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Now, I'm starting to get worried, M.B.

Perhaps you should take up fishing?

(Especially because the Cheney-Slick probably won't get through the Panama Canal.)

M. Bouffant said...

Major Metropolitan Daily Editor Responds:

No such error would occur here (mostly because we don't do anything w/ any consistency).

We just want the alleged any-day-now death of print news. (Or the Republican Party or the Catholic Church. Some institution hurry up & die!)

Went looking for hiking boots today, intending to pass more time among the skunks, possums & coyotes of real life rather the ones on the world-wide web of madness. (Fishing the ocean is no longer local, & the trout fishing is far away.) No luck though. Tomorrow (or Weds., maybe Thu.) is another day.