Wednesday, February 10, 2010

See Below

A very interesting companion to David Broder's endorsement of Sarah Palin as a politician with the right stuff who's a real contender for the presidency in tomorrow's Post.

The Post itself has a new poll out with interesting Palin numbers.

55% of Americans have an unfavorable view of Palin while 37% have a favorable impression of her. That's actually a bit worse than other recent polls of this question have shown. But the really revealing number is how many people consider her qualified to be president.

Over 70% say no, she's not. And that's up from 60% just last November. Even a majority of Republicans say she's not qualified to serve as president.

The key tell in these numbers is that even more and more the people who like her and continue to like her are coming to the realization that she's simply not equipped to serve as president.


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