Monday, November 30, 2009

English Language Tradition: Were She A Man, She'd Be Called An Asshole, But She's A Woman; Therefore, We'll Call Her A Bitch.

Palin Plane Tour: Using Private Jet, Forcing Staff To Take Bus

Surprise, surprise, the woman of the people, the common clay, riding in a $4,000.00/hr. Gulfstream II. (Not a V? Oh, Sarah, they're dissin' you!) No, couldn't be. Not the Queen of We The People. Must be a different Sarah Palin. Or a vicious "state-run media" lie.


Substance McGravitas said...

What, Sarah Palin's staff deserves something other than shit treatment?

M. Bouffant said...

Obvious Editor Sez:

At least none of them have been found throwed under it. We'll probably have to wait for her next tome for that.