Thursday, November 26, 2009

Meanwhile, Along The Infantile-Juvenile Pop Culture Axis

The Three Stooges made two 3-D shorts and you can download one of them from this site. And this Saturday out in Glendale, CA, the Alex Theater is running that same short (plus four 2-D Stooges shorts with Curly) as part of the 12th Annual Three Stooges Big Screen Event. I will not be there. I love the Stooges but (a) I'm not sure I could take five shorts in one sitting, (b) 3-D movies have a hypnotic effect on me that induces slumber and (c) I'm a little afraid of being in a room with that many Stooge fans.Mark Evanier


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

As long as they're not Iggy and the Stooges fans, I guess Mark has nothing to fear.

Substance McGravitas said...

I dunno, you'd think farting contests would be in the arsenal - HAAAAAA - of the modern Stooges fan.