It was sleepy time when this occurred. We present it as an example of the Northeastern Media Village doing its balancing act. Three middle-aged, middle-class, middle-browed "centrists," another guy whose greatest difference from the first three guys is that he is not the centrist he'll want you to think he is in 2012, & still has most of his hair, & an early middle-aged (relative "kid") honkie whose hair won't be there forever either. Also, you betcha, the newshen.
In the words of the president of the AAA (This is important advice that applies world-wide, not just to America.): "Stay out of the middle of the road. A car will run over you!"
We appreciate MSNBC allowing the proletariat to determine the start & stop times on the video, but it's so evenly mediocre throughout that it would be unfair to emphasize any single part. We did cut (0:20) at the end when the two Joes discuss music. You can thank us later.Would it be possible for Joe S. to keep his trap shut until Klein has finished reading his piece? "Excuse me, Joe Klein, I have to be fair & balanced. General Petraeus. (@(3:18). Scarborough at his smarmiest.) Bush. Lefty left left. Clinton. Left." "Sounds like you're justifying hate speech on the left ..." when Klein says Bush took us to war under false pretenses (As opposed, we suppose, to "real" pretenses.) @ (15:00). And listen for newshen Mika's "Weeeeeellll ... ummm." when Klein begins w/ Bush.
Points to Klein for attempting to point out that Bush/Cheney were so far from being on the ball they were getting corn dogs at the Snack Shack while their "Days Without Attacks On The Country" ticker was building toward the 9/11 re-set to zero. @ (8:29).
Points taken away from Joe Klein for the obligatory "9/11" reference. @ (0:40). A coincidence of geography doesn't make you a patriot, Klein. Although your "I'm always optimistic about America" @ (10:42) attitude reveals you to be such a simpleton, we're not surprised you can delude yourself so easily.
Jos Scarborough is just scum, on the other hand. @ (14:30), for example. And @ (16:30). Also a fool. And jerk.
Blood pressure. Aaaaah!!
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