Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Truth Hurts, But Not Nearly Enough

A jerk at The NYT bitches about teachers & their heinous unions (also getting in a few swipes at impediments to education like Texans who want their spawn home-schooled at public school).

You’re a senior in high school, in Kent, Wash. Senioritis! You’re going to coast, and still get into a bodacious college. Is this year over yet?

But now your teachers are on strike. They were told by a judge that their walkout is illegal. They were ordered to report to class. And yet . . .

“Oftentimes, acts of civil disobedience have to occur to right a wrong,” says the union president, Linda Brackin Johnson.

What’s the wrong? Too many meetings, for one. The teachers hate those mandatory meetings, and who can blame them. All those words that shouldn’t be verbs — prioritize, incentivize, progressivize.

They also want smaller classes. And a raise, of course. Awesome. Except, this year, your school district is broke. Your state is broke. And your country is broke. All the money went to bankers and auto makers and an unnecessary war that will end up costing nearly a trillion dollars.

Besides, the teachers are doing better than most. As the American Federation of Teachers reported in their 2007 wage survey, the average salary now is $51,000, and some make $100,000. While salaries for all U.S. workers fell sharply, to $46,955, teachers saw the highest salary increases in 15 years.

Good for them. This job is so lame. Duh! Is there anything more awful than that look you give them in first period — the half-lidded, blank-faced, don’t-even-think-of-calling-on-me glare? (You’re faking, but it works.)

The teachers should be happy to get raises while everyone else takes a hit. Happy to have a job in the worst recession in 65 years. Not in Kent, Wash.

They vote to ignore the judge’s order, break the law and stay on strike. The lesson is: defy authority when it suits your needs. Take a seat over there with the Texas parents who kept their kids home.

The truth is out there, & the miracle of instant truth occurs:

Timothy Egan: “They also want smaller classes. And a raise, of course. Awesome. Except, this year, your school district is broke.”

As a parent who’s son attends Kentlake high school in the Kent school district, I have to comment. You don’t know what you are talking about.

“This year the school board laid off teachers (increasing class sizes even more), and proposed rolling back pay even further — all so they could maintain a $21 million administrative savings account.”

Thanks, Jim Fowler

Thank you, Jim Fowler.
Now, when will Mr. Egan retract his lie(s)? Publicly. In electrons & print? Do not hold your breath.
The other responsible speculation we must make is the composition of the Kent School Board. Drooling religious fanatics who want that admin. acc't. for teaching creationism? Or is it merely the slush fund for board members?
P. S.: Statistics that the "left-liberal" New York Times likes to mention in some contexts (Putting working people at each other's throats, for example.) but seldom follows up on:
While salaries for all U.S. workers fell sharply, to $46,955, teachers saw the highest salary increases in 15 years.
Teaching being such a high-paid profession to start, it's unconscionable that teachers accept the generous wage increases offered them. Especially when others wages are falling, which is totally the fault of the teachers. Fucking shit, Timothy Egan, if we want to read mealy-mouthed mugwumpery about teachers & unions, we can visit Megan McArdle at The Atlantic. Get your own shtick, loser.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Those frickin' teachers, living high on the hog!

Of course, they've got to get a master's degree just to be low paid pawns for Republicants, but hey, it's a living.

M. Bouffant said...

Outrage Editor Inquires:

Did you not see that you no longer exist?

Too damn bad the teachers get M. A.s in Education instead of whichever boring, stupid subject they teach.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

You can't trust Time. Henry Luce's baby is still evil.

By the way, I believe I saw a certain M.Bouffant in the comments there today.

Welcome aboard, it's a target rich environment.

M. Bouffant said...

Corrections Editor Explains:

After the time we spent there looking for a working link, once we'd found it (Or it re-appeared from nowhere: A witch!) & saw that chunk of idiocy, we felt we should make a comment, since there's no provision to send a flaming bag of dog crap directly to the figurative Luce doorstep.

Our intensive schedule of covering Interweb idiocy probably won't allow for yet another site to be added. We're afraid you may be on your own there.

clever pseudonym said...

I'm totally stealing "mealy-mouthed mugwumpery" and can't wait for the chance to use it in a sentence.

M. Bouffant said...

Alliteration Editor Adds:

Thank you again, c. p. We were rather amused by our cleverness there as well.

Use it well! Probably won't be long before you have the opportunity, the way things are.