We've no desire to listen, but on the off chance of a drooler from the right (or "incorrect") side of the aisle standing up & screaming something, town tantrum style, at or about The Prez, we may have to keep an eye turned to the (No longer, damn it!) tube.
I'm 'watching' on Wonkette.
Self-Abuse Editor Types:
We're just wonking.
Why didn't Michelle Bachmann try to slip this President the tongue?
Wrong color.
Can't be that he doesn't hump the corporate line enough.
Maybe because he isn't about to bomb Iran?
What did he mean by "the last"? Sounds ominous to me. Does he really think that this Congress is going to pass a bill so awesome that health care costs will never need to be addressed again? He can't possibly think that . . . In a lighter note, my name links to a cute video of kitten and puppy playing.
Hype Editor Assumes:
Just a bit o' hyperbolic rhetoric. This shit has been going on since the end of WWII (If not longer, thought we heard that Teddy Roosevelt was looking to help Americans w/ health care over 100 yrs. ago but certain interests stopped it then too) & he's sick & tired of it. BHO wants it, even if he doesn't believe it's going to be solved forever w/ whatever happens now.
The kitten are puppy are more like sparring than playing, but it is cute.
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