Our emphases, of course. Because the speech as given was entirely non-controversial boiler-plate certainly doesn't mean the original wasn't a call to America's children to turn in any parents who aren't politically correct. Just like it was in Stalin's Germany & Hitler's Russia. You remember.Undoubtedly, those on the Left will use the president's delivered remarks to raise doubt about the initial concerns conservatives had with his original intentions. They will say the president had no designs on indoctrinating America's youth, and that his speech was merely an innocent way to energize students on what is, for many of them, the first day of school.
There is no way for anyone to know for sure what the president's original speech included, or what his intentions were. It is clear, however, that the White House was forced to rethink how it handled such an important address. If the revisions to the education secretary's lesson plan is any indication, the president's speech may very well have gone from being an attempt to recruit new patrons for a floundering political agenda to a lesson on the importance of conservative values.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Not Only Would It Be Irresponsible Not To Speculate, It's Irresponsible Not To Imagine The Craziest Shit Possible & Then Be Totally Outraged By It
M. Bouffant
Honest to fucking ...
And what is this indoctrination thing? They can't really believe that in twenty minutes of blather any President (or Hannah damn Montana, if you want to bring up someone interesting to the youth) is going to "recruit new patrons" (Squirming students happy not to be in class, but still bored by some old guy lecturing them. Prime recruitment material, huh?) for that floundering political agenda. Can they?
Maybe they do believe it. It is what this episode of Right-Wing Monster Chiller Horror Theatre boils down to: The Dusky Svengali stealing their children's precious minds. The Prez couldn't get a health care insurance/reform bill passed by the running dogs of Congress before the August recess, as he wanted, but give him twenty mins. of tee vee time w/ their children & America is ruined. No, they can't possibly believe it. Wrong again. They can & do believe it.
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It is particularly dangerous because the kids can't vote and thus they will use those non-votes to not vote a Soviet Union of America into being.
We iz not insane!!!!
Elections Editor Adds:
A triple negative? Not sure we can figure that one out.
The kidz should be able to vote as soon as they get their drivers licenses.
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