Saturday, September 12, 2009

Ignoramuses Rally In D. C. For "Right To Be Stupid" "Right To Be Lied To" & "Right To Eat What You Want"

The Real America Speaks (After wiping off a little drool w/ its bib.):

"We're all endangered!" shouted a passerby, Dave Rue, 67, a retired Mobil Oil employee who had traveled from New Jersey. "We're endangered because they're pushing socialism on us."

Some came to protest what they see as government interference with gun ownership. Shaun Bryant, 40, a leadership trainer, was among eight people who flew in from Salt Lake City. They fashioned a sign with a drawing of an AR-15 assault rifle and the words "We came unarmed from Montana and Utah . . . this time!"


Like countless others at the rally, Joan Wright, 78, of Ocean Pines, Md., sounded angry. "I'm not taking this crap anymore," said Wright, who came by bus to Washington with 150 like-minded residents of Maryland's Eastern Shore. "I don't like the health-care [plan]. I don't like the czars. And I don't like the elitists telling us what we should do or eat."

The dictionary definition of "old & in the way." There are those among them who know exactly what they're doing: Take this trafficker in human misery (Please!)
The protesters descended on Washington with a long list of grievances against a government that many complained is racing toward socialism. "Health care is not listed anywhere in the Constitution," said Brian Burnell, 45, who owns an insurance company on Maryland's Eastern Shore.
Yeah, & neither are horseless carriages. Maybe it's time for a constitutional amendment to outlaw automobiles? After all, they weren't in the Holy Mystical Founders Ideals. Oddly enough, while these humanoids don't want "government" telling them "what to do" they're all for following the orders of the Founders.
"We want our country to go back to the roots of doing what our Founding Fathers wanted us to do -- less government in every aspect of my life," she said. "We walked the streets of Williamsburg, and it felt like we were learning how to be a patriot."
We fear that re-education camps will not work. These horrifying simulacra of humanity will need to be sent to first grade, & taught to read before any facts can be put in their heads.

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