(Mile-High Buggery Club?)
Also: Their coppers drive clown cars. They do seem to be catching up to America's lead in the truth is stranger than ... area.
We used to pray together in the lounge," Mr Burns told The Press. Mr Burns said he remembered an evening at the house about nine months ago when the extended family had a conference in the lounge to discuss the child-custody case. "We had a phone conference with a body under the floor and all the while there was a judge from Taupo on the phone. "You'd read it in fiction, but it was fact."Stolen fair & square from some Yahoos!
The woman told him that Child, Youth and Family (CYF) had removed their children after she asked them for support.
Has our Kenyan Socialist President appointed a CYF Czar yet?
Czar Czar Notes:
More on "czars," from our man Weigel (who got it from POLITICO) at the WashInd.
We don't see any "snatch your baby for indoctrination" Czar. Which in no way, shape or form means that there isn't one, of course. Indeed, it is central to your point that there isn't one.
The coppers are in the news a lot at the moment as they try to cut $5 million off the budget so that the dumbarse government can give them $225m extra, in a government version of the the classic "say my name, b***h" moment, I guess.
We are a bit odd, here, though. The least of it is bodies under the floorboards whilst people pray to get their children back so they can whack them around a bit.
International Editor Notes:
Seems most of us "English-Speaking Peoples" who left Merrie Olde had good reason to leave; the neighbors or police were about to find the bodies (living or dead) in the basement.
How nice of this to happen during a budget crisis, like the coppers can ever stop loonies like that.
The Rozzers have not had too good a time of it lately. There's been a few too many Keystone Cops moments for the liking of the populace what are getting used as underfloor heating.
But the Gubbermint iz going to be TUFF on laura norder so cutting the 5 million gets even more absurd, also since they will then give 225 million back.
But talkback persons assure us that gettin' TUFF is the right thing to do and by jingo it has always worked before. Thus we now have prison overcrowding and about 1 person a decade gets a serious attempt at rehabilitation or help to change their destructive lifestyles. Dont wanna be soft on crime though. Unless it's white middle age guys who stab taggers, they should get medals, so talkback persons tell us.
It's a socialistic paradise in the South Pacific.
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