Sunday, September 13, 2009

Abdrew Breitbart & His Ego Visit Quincy, Ill., Where He "Wrapsup"

Andy talks about his house, his All-American worship of death, why he's in Quincy instead of D. C., & then says he's going to give us a war.
Bring on your war, yes please!
(We note that Big Boy Andy's idea of "war" is dying for one's country, rather, than making some other poor son-of-a-bitch/bastard die for his country.) Inane blather about where your house is may be "bringing the war back home" sooner than you expect, suckah! (Yes, he does work in his basement. "Susie, can you bring down a PB&J sandwich?") A question or two: How is one "awed by the integrity" of people when one has wandered among them for a few moments? And "integrity?" Considering the foolish, low-info ignorance of the views of most of these toads, integrity isn't the first word that comes to mind.
What does he mean when he says things will happen this wk.? Something, perhaps, to do w/ ACORN? (BB thinks it stands for America-hating Commmunist Organization of Radical Negroes, if you know what we mean.) Well, this is what he's talking about (We were concerned that this had slipped under the Just Another Blog radar, but it only started Thurs. the 10th.): Andrew Breitbart Presents BIG GOVERNMENT Featuring Editor in Chief Mike Flynn, which is 90% anti-ACORN material. Also nice is their use of the pseudonym "Publius" for "Posts from Big Government Editorial Panel."
Midwetern Morphodite Gateway Pundit announced "12,000" in Quincy. Photos would indicate more like 2,000.


Substance McGravitas said...

Boy that's a great song. Breitbart not as great.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

I'm still laughing at those assclowns for believing a ludicrous overestimate of the teabaggage, and then having to admit that Freedomworks™ (astroturf, Inc.) was behind the whole thing.

Ha Hah!

M. Bouffant said...

Marxist-Leninist Editor Reports:

If we did not condemn marriage & the family as corrupt bourgeois institutions, we would marry that song, because it is a masterpiece of cynicism.