Sunday, July 5, 2009

One Of The Things That Scares The Holy Living Shit Out Of Us The Most About Sarah Palin

We hope all you little bastards out there appreciate the effort it took us to find this statement we caught from the corner of our ear on MSNBC Friday afternoon, as David Shuster spoke to Jason Recher, who was a senior adviser to soon-to-be-former Gov. Palin during the presidential campaign. (Our emphasis.)
SHUSTER: Well, Jason, speaking of her staff, and since you point out -- you make a good point, you know her staff, you know the people around her -- what would convince them that it's a good idea -- and let's just suppose that she legitimately wants to help the state. She obviously felt that this was a significant move she was making. Why then do it on the Friday of a holiday weekend? I mean, who's advising her back in Alaska who would suggest, oh, this is the way to get some good headlines or good attention? RECHER: You know, I think one of the things that appeals to me the most about Sarah Palin is that she is her own person. She's her own chief of staff, she's her own communications director. She follows what she feels is right and she leads from her heart. That's one of the things that really appeals to me about her. I'm not sure of the timing, I'm not sure of the internal politics of Alaska, or why this was decided on this date. Personally, I think it's great. It shows her independence as America celebrates Independence Day. SHUSTER: Jason Recher, former senior adviser to Governor Sarah Palin. And Jason, thanks for calling in. We appreciate it. RECHER: Thanks, David.
Al Bundy (item just below) w/ a persecution complex; now we're told she's a loose cannon w/ George W. Bush "Go from the Gut" Syndrome.
Why are these people so enamored of leaders who leap before they look, who don't want to take any advice, & who essentially deny what intelligence & capacity for reason they have? Is there a "divine inspiration" subtext here that's above the hearing of sensible people? How do they reconcile their ideology that claims to reject "liberal touchy-feely stuff" w/ their admiration of "heart" & gut-driven leaders?
And who thought it would be a good idea to have "Go It Alone, From The Gut" Palin w/in 100 yards of the nuclear football? She fetishizes Alaska so much that if Kim Jong-il sent three guys in a rubber raft to fish near the Aleutians she'd probably want to nuke Pyongyang. And gawd forbid Putin's big ol' head should rise above the Bering Strait.

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