Monday, July 27, 2009

"(Yes, I'm getting an enormous amount of toilet-hygiene-related e-mail)"

We aren't. Jonah Goldberg is. All day long. The standard inferences can be made.
Re: Beware the Oink [1251 EDT] What Makes It All Worthwhile [1333 EDT] Speaking of Paper Towels . . . [1426 EDT] &
Germy Ejecta [1503 EDT] We're sure many of you have seen this, but when we saw we had four browser tabs concerning LoadPants & shit, we felt it should be properly remembered. Courtesy Ted the Slacker, typing at Sadly, etc.!
And why not click over a few more times? Help a nepotist out. Imagine the next NRO editorial meeting: "Jonah, anything you can come up w/ on poop, germs or diapers is golden! The clicks just keep on coming. How bout a Vitter interview? Maybe even in print, for the magazine? That would be worth the effort, wouldn't it, Big Guy?"


Substance McGravitas said...

What an ass.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

If you're feeling like a shitter,

Don't despair, or be a quitter,

Senator Dave is the man for you!

M. Bouffant said...

Broadway Editor Goes:

Oh, Calcutta!