Wednesday, July 29, 2009

We Hate "White Culture" W/ The White-Hot Heat Of A Thousand White-Hot Suns Too

Why wouldn't anyone whose aesthetic sensibilities are even somewhat developed hate the bland, vanilla, mayonnaise & white-bread culture of bland vanilla honkies that has given us the lowest common denominators of reality tee vee & movies composed of huger & huger explosions strung together?
This afternoon, Bill Shine, SVP of Programming told TVNewser, "During Fox & Friends this morning, Glenn Beck expressed a personal opinion which represented his own views, not those of the Fox News Channel. And as with all commentators in the cable news arena, he is given the freedom to express his opinions."
Tell us something, Mr. Shine. If the Fox News Channel is a "news" source, why would it even have any "views?" How can a network claim to be "Fair & Balanced" if it admits it has "views?" We wonder if Mr. Shine could tell us what the "views" of the Fox News Channel are?
P. S.: "I'm not saying he that he doesn't like white people, I'm saying he has a problem, he has a, this guy is, I believe, a racist." Try to figure that one out.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

That asshole can stick it where the sun don't shine.

M. Bouffant said...

Medical Editor Reports:

We have evidence that Mr. Beck has already done so, w/ his doughy head. And he liked it, even though it made him cry.