Tuesday, July 28, 2009

1, 2 ... Crackle Hum Snap "— ing On?"

In a probably misguided attempt to assist one of our manyseveral fans, we link to one of Mr. RC's items.
I see my link to this post still doesn't show up under "links to this post", either. WTF, over? ~
This worked once when we linked to that person whose initials are A. A., & who should maybe attend A. A. as well. You know, she whose name one dare not type? Perhaps No. 32 doesn't have his settings set. Could also be the problem here. We may not be allowing link-outs or track-ins or whatever the fuck.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

There is something awry, that's for shirley.

Or perhaps it's a Miss?

We'll get to the bottom in know time!

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

I see your link to my post did show up.

Is it a matter of zero authority?

I still haz none. (I can accept the truth, when I have no other choice.)

M. Bouffant said...

Confused Editor Adds:

Maybe we aren't on, we'll look at our settings.

We're under the impression that "links to this post" is strictly intra-Blogger.

None of which helps w/ the Technorati. Their "authority" is how many other weasels have you in their blogroll.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

That's what confuzzled me about links to this post before.

Back when RB and I linked to each other, nothing ever showed up...even though we were both Blogger-bloggers.

So now your link to my post shows up (so at least I'm not doing it wrong, as Substance McBubba suggested).

And yet, something is still not right.

I want my money back!

Substance McGravitas said...

So now your link to my post shows up (so at least I'm not doing it wrong, as Substance McBubba suggested).

I am the WORST.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

You just mention his name, and Substance McHitler shows up!

M. Bouffant said...

Snide Comments Editor Answers:

Doubtless not-the-film-director-McG. McG. (like Mme. Althouse) has every possible robot searching all of cyber-creation for the merest suggestion of his nyms, initials, or anything remotely similar.