Sunday, April 12, 2009

Osama Bin Dobson, Supreme Jesus Ruler Of The American Taliban, Admits Defeat, Sort Of

The wretched old bastard, after spending so much money on Focus on the Fambly's anti-Calif. Prop. Eight campaign of fear & loathing that he had to fire a couple hundred of his wage-slaves (That "preseves the dignity of the family," doesn't it? Gaahh!!!) is admitting defeat in the "culture wars" (it was the rise of the Internet & the election of Bill Clinton that ruined everything) but at the same time girds his loins for further (non-human?) battle, because This Great Nation of Ours™ is 
... awash in evil and the battle is still to be waged. We are right now in the most discouraging period of that long conflict. Humanly speaking, we can say we have lost all those battles.
Ha fucking ha. "Humanly speaking." And just where is bin Dobson's gawd, then? Has the Hebrew's War God deserted Jimmy-boy in his hour of need? (Not that he looks as if he "needs" much help. Not exactly starving, is he?) Where is that chicken-shit gawd that subjects us to inhuman scum like bin Dobson, yet doesn't back him or his campaigns to terrorize this most perfect & gawd inspired nation? We'd guess The Big Fucking Killer In The Sky is scared to show his face around here, considering how his advance men have royally fucked up the message.Nonetheless, don't think these one-track (on which two trains, the Dogma Express & the Factual Flyer, are speeding toward each other at over 100 m. p. h.) mind obsessives have given up. Whatever (mental problems, brain injuries, childhood trauma or psychological who-knows-what) has led these people to be one step above foaming-at-the-mouth street-corner preachers (It's marketing & manipulation that keeps the marks in the money. The street-corner guy just hasn't mastered that yet.) is not about to be healed by objective facts. We suppose the next tornado will be proof of gawd's righteous anger. 

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