Of course, "lethal air assaults" are so much easier than lining up a bunch of French civilians & killing ten or twenty for each Nazi occupier killed by partisans. Modern warfare really is neat, isn't it, Vic?
And paragraph 4) deserves full reproduction:
4) The Obamists better be careful in their serial apologetics, "Bush did it" throat-clearing, and caving to European, Russia, Turkish, etc. agendas. Slowly, but clearly we are establishing a new atmosphere in which the old unpredictability, military preparedness, and deterrence will be lost, replaced by a touchy-feely sort of seminar discussion, laced with atonement, reaction. And then the two-bit pirates who boast "We are not afraid of the Americans" will be the least of our problems.
Be careful Obamists! Victor Davis Hanson has warned you. Get back to that "old unpredictability." AmeriKKKa can be safe only if the rest of the world, which for some reason doesn't like us as much as it used to, can never tell just who or where will be lethally air assaulted next.
*What do you think V. D.'s opinion of that "Enlightenment" thing a few hundred yrs. back is?
Adorno and his fellow neo-Marxists of the Frankfurt School saw the Enlightenment as the beginning of all modern evil. In fact there's an Adorno quote from somewhere (I'm too lazy to look it up) to the effect that the Enlightenment led inevitably to the Holocaust. In other words, the same logic was at work.
Pseudo-Philosophy Editor Replies:
There's bit a bit of resistance to this Enlightenment thing lately.
Put a stop to it & everything will be just fine, the state will wither away & the Pope can run everything as gawd intends.
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