Monday, April 6, 2009

A Career In Public Service

Plenty of huffin' & puffin' about Batgirl Bachmann's latest fear-mongering: "They're Coming to Take Your Children Away, Ha Ha!" Let's stop laughing for a moment & see what Ms. Bachmann does for her constituents when she's not standing athwart the International One-World Order Conspiracy to Replace Our Money With Pieces of Plastic With The Mark Of The Beast on Them screaming "Stop!" (They don't reëlect her for comedy purposes only, do they? She must keep the potholes filled or something.) While her district has the highest foreclosure rate in Minnesota,
Bachmann’s record in Congress is not one of a representative whose district faces such a crisis. Bachmann hasn’t authored or sponsored any legislation to assist homeowners facing foreclosure, but she has co-sponsored 14 bills to restrict abortions and five to promote Christianity in government.
You go, girl! Gettin' it done! Saving the American dream from the money-changers!
Let's hear Batgirl explain the financial crisis (in partisan terms, of course) & then we'll wonder how many of these poor people of color (who are personally responsible for the failure of capitalism & the free market) live in her district.
If you couldn't understand the digital audio, the best parts: 
“Because of CRA," Bachmann said, “[President Bill Clinton] turned the two quasi-private, mortgage-funding firms into a semi-nationalized monopoly that dispensed cash to markets, made loans to large Democrat [sic] voting blocs and handed favors, jobs and money to political allies. This potential mix led inevitably to corruption and the Fannie-Freddie collapse. “Loans started being made on the basis of race, and often little else,” she said.

Bear in mind she's reading from that unimpeachable source, Investors Business Daily. Never had an original idea herself, apparently.
Brought to our attention  by the Minn. Independent's sister publication, The Washington Independent, which summarized it well, & added a cynical note on representative democracy. Heh indeed.

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