It seems the Naughty Broadcasters got the story from the behemoth of financed-by-ads-for-prostitution, strip & cannabis clubs alternate weeklies, the LA Weekly. (So long, CityBeat!)
So screw NBC six ways from a determinate point in the calendar & click to the Weekly.
P.S.: We had no idea just how lame NBC's local attempt was. The Weekly story is over a mo. old.
P. P. S.: We've tolerable memories of the event, far back in the misty '80s, when we lived two blks. from the eastern end of it & still knew how to have fun, but it's been out of control (that $20.00 mandatory admission probably was the back-breaker) for a few yrs., even for a non-resident.
"not look like it has"?????!? You mean it's going to be even lamer? The last time I was there was with you, in I think 2004. I'm not interested in going ever again.
Entertainment & Festivity Editor Adds:Maybe it won't be as insufferable, if they scale it down.
(Like anything "good" or "improved" is going to happen.)
Whatever it is will probably be w/o this reporter.
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