[T]he GOP has made a costly mistake — one that will make it even harder for them to take back power from the dominant Democratic Party. [...] On the organizational side, Steele does not have a chief of staff, a political director, a finance director or a communications director. Last week, one of the two men sharing the job of interim finance director was forced to resign. For now, “the fourth floor,” as the RNC’s executive suite is known, is being run by a pair of consultants. “There’s frustration that there’s no discipline, no planning,” said a well-known Republican consultant. “He’s risking being overexposed by accepting every interview, which makes gaffes more likely.” In a lengthy interview, Steele was unapologetic, referring to the high-level GOP critics and skeptics as “nervous Nellies” and saying that he actually has been tempering his public remarks.He's no Howard Dean, but it isn't as if he's been publicly embarrassing himself or the party, like his competitor for the RNC Chair who sent those hilarious CDs by Rush Limbaugh's song parodist to the RNC voters. Gov. Steele wants to be sure to put the right people in place, is all.
Obviously we were kidding w/ that last sentence, using some bureaucratic boilerplate to mock. The excuse is actually much better. (We can smell these guys coming.)
Steele, who has been traveling aggressively since taking the job, says the vacancies at the top of his organization are by design. He said he’s re-examining the whole structure with an eye to streamlining it and will have most of his team in place by the end of March, after he begins implementing reports from transition teams that are planning the party’s own first 100 days. “I know some folks in Washington feel that they’re kind of on the outside of this — that they don’t have the day-to-day blow by blow of what I’m doing,” he said. “And that’s exactly how I like it. I want to be about the business of putting in place a good infrastructure that will enable me to go out and build a better brand, stronger brand, for the GOP. And I won’t get there by tattle-telling every day what I’m doing.”In passing: "Traveling aggressively?" Doesn't that generally get you in trouble w/ the TSA? Come on, writer boys (It took two people to write this?) if he's been on the road a lot, or traveling frequently, or meeting Republicans nation-wide, fucking say so. Don't type "traveling aggressively." Gah!! Biography Channel™:
Born at Andrews Air Force Base, Steele attended a Catholic high school in Washington and graduated from Johns Hopkins, then spent three years in seminary preparing for the priesthood before switching to Georgetown Law.Holy Shit!! Run for the hills!! It's Goofy, Semi-Amiable Alan Keyes!!
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