Thursday, October 17, 2024

Make The Papists Pay: US$1.5 Billion For Criminal Sex!

The real title of this is: "What Are You Waiting For, Kill All The Priests!", or even "Kill All The Catholics, NOW!!", but the Facebook post pimping this wouldn't be up long enough to be ignored becaue of Facebook's robot censors. Fuck Zuck!
Los Angeles Times:
L.A. Catholic Church payouts for clergy abuse top $1.5 billion with new record settlement
Am I the only person who'd like to see these sick Catholic fucks actually punished, rather than just sued & fined? Just taking back the tax-free money the bead-rattlers steal from their sucker-ass chump congregants while they rape their children doesn't seem like quite enough to this reporter. Are there no priests being raped in jail, as Gawd intended?

First Gray Day Since The Last One

Not a day too soon, either.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Eff You, Stupid Person

And Up Your inflationary Ass Ralphs/Kroger!

Another incompetent idiot at Ralphs gave me one small victory today: The correct label for seasoned lemon pepper salmon would've run anywhere from US$6.50-ish to US$7.70-ish. Used the self-checkout; would a humanoid checker have noticed, realized or cared?

Not Feeling The Hallowe'en Spirit

Fuckin' boo!

Irritated Sky W/ Structures

Are you numb yet? I know I am.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Bizarro Dance Party W/ Lumpy

"Who the hell wants to hear questions?”

Marianne LeVine / Washington Post:
Trump sways and bops to music for 39 minutes in bizarre town-hall episode — The scene comes as Vice President Kamala Harris has called Trump, 78, unstable and called into question his mental acuity — OAKS, Pa. — The town hall, moderated by South Dakota Gov. Kristi L. Noem (R) …
Bonus track:

Sounds Good To Me

There Will Always Be An England

And check the 1936 model railroad at (5:21) or (4:46). You decide which looks better.Do those locos seem familiar? Why, yes.

"Can you imagine going down the street and seeing this coming toward you? That would be sick. We want to change the look of the roads. The future should look like the future."

- Elon Musk, Tesla CEO

That is some deep dish dorm room thinking.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Ausländer Raus!!

Two words: Warsaw Ghetto.
Julia Frankel / Associated Press:
Netanyahu mulls plan to empty northern Gaza of civilians and cut off aid to those left inside  —  Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is examining a plan to seal off humanitarian aid to northern Gaza in an attempt to starve out Hamas militants, a plan that, if implemented
Los Angeles Times: Israel bombards north Gaza; hits U.N. peacekeepers in Lebanon again
From the BBC's "They Seem Nice" files:
Israeli attack on northern Gaza hints at retired general's 'surrender or starve' plan for war
The ultra-nationalist extremists in Benjamin Netanyahu’s cabinet want to replace Palestinians in northern Gaza with Jewish settlers. Among many statements he’s made on the subject, the finance minister Bezalel Smotrich has said “Our heroic fighters and soldiers are destroying the evil of Hamas, and we will occupy the Gaza Strip … to tell the truth, where there is no settlement, there is no security.”
Shorter: S'not lebensraum, it's "security".

Couldn't Possibly Be Any Clearer

Similar, but the Antilles & their location are different. And the Isthmus of Panama. And Tierra del Fuego.

Compare & Contrast The Coverage Of Trump Lying
W/ Vance Swearing To It

Can you spot the fake news?
Corbin Bolies / The Daily Beast:
‘Nitpicking Everything’: JD Vance Fumes as ABC News Host Calls Out Bogus Claims About Colorado City — NOT TODAY — JD Vance tried to latch onto specific words to mount his defense of Trump's attacks on a Colorado city.  Martha Raddatz wouldn't have it. 
Sarah Arnold / Townhall:   Watch JD Vance Obliterate ABC Reporter
In their dimension, the queston "Do you hear yourself?" is apparently considered an absolute refutation, obliteration & torching of any statement or fact. Doesn't take much in their world, does it? 

Contemporary Catholic Jethro Bodine there had no proof for any of the absurd statements he or Lumpy have made, but he got all pissy, so it's a win. Catholics don't give a shit about the Ten Commandments; it's alright for them to lie to you, so you've been owned, lib.

Farm Folk: Common Clay
Of The New West

  • Cracks in the road spell M A G A.
  • Federal Capitol Building represents Trump’s opposition among the Democrats and weak Republicans.
  • The crowd of American supporters, from all backgrounds proudly wearing their red Make America Great Again hats.
  • American Flag is a source of light.
  • Artist paints himself in the painting.

Cretinous, Moronic & Not Fully Human

Pharyngula on farming fools & rural retards:
Anyway, this is the Trump cult in full flower out here in the rural Midwest. It’s all tangled up in agrarian fantasies, religion, and trucks, tractors, guns, and motorcycles. Good luck rooting it out.
Seriously, how fucking small are their country boy weiners that it's all about trucks, tractors, guns, and motorcycles? (No "rocketships"?) And how undeveloped & immature are their teeny-tiny brains?

[McNaughton "Fine" Art. It is to vomit. Or at least to feel queasy & realize merely looking can cost I.Q points.]

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Stupid Sat. St. Scene

Appointment In Coachella

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump will bring his campaign to Coachella Saturday with a rally at Calhoun Ranch.

The rally is planned for 5 p.m. Saturday at the ranch, 52995 Calhoun St.


Coachella Mayor Steven Hernandez released a statement Monday afternoon unfavorably comparing Trump’s planned rally to a 2020 primary campaign event held by Sen. Bernie Sanders, whom he said the city was “proud to welcome.”

“Trump’s attacks on immigrants, women, the LQBTQ community and the most vulnerable among us don’t align with the values of our community,” Hernandez said. “He has consistently expressed disdain for the type of diversity that helps define Coachella. We don’t know why Trump is visiting near Coachella, but we know he wasn’t invited by the people who live here. He ain’t like us.”

Rep. Raul Ruiz, D-Indio, whose district includes the rally site, echoed Hernandez’s sentiment in another statement Monday, calling the rally “yet another demonstration of his cluelessness and ignorance” and Trump himself “an affront to everything that makes the Coachella Valley a vibrant community.”

Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco, an ardent Trump supporter, will be among the conservative figures in attendance at the rally. According to the Desert Sun, Bianco said he was not planning on speaking at the event, but would if asked.

He also criticized the comments from Ruiz and Hernandez.

“Reckless comments from irresponsible local politicians certainly do not help our mission and quite frankly are embarrassing for Riverside County,” Bianco said in his own statement. “I will be there to ensure the former President and attendees go home safely.”

Shouldn't that be "get" home safely, Sheriff? Oh, never fucking mind. You're just as stupid & senile as your idol Trump. Reckless comments from irresponsible national politicians who are fucking losers is more like it. Up yours, "Chad".


Friday, October 11, 2024

More Gentrification

Gaza or Vegas?

What fucking jagoffery. Actually destructive explosions don't start until (6:30). Isn't it time to cut off their water?

"As long as you're not dumb enough to actually try it"

I'd like to see that son-of-a-bitch (Literally. Have you heard the things his mother says?) come knocking on my door. Tresspassers will be shotgunned.
New York Times:
Musk Is Going All In to Elect Trump  —  Elon Musk is planting himself in Pennsylvania, has brought his brain trust to help and may even knock on doors himself.  —  In the final weeks of the presidential campaign, the richest man in the world has involved himself in the U.S. election in a manner unparalleled in modern history.
Philip Bump / Washington Post:   Vance suggests the left stole 2020 ... by doing what his own campaign did David Kurtz / Talking Points Memo:
What It Looks Like When One Side Rejects Democracy  —  A lot of things happened.  Here are some of the things.  This is TPM's Morning Memo.  Sign up for the email version.  —  When Democracy Itself Is On the Ballot, We've Already Lost  —  The last few weeks have been a particularly strange stretch …
April Rubin / Axios:
Musk's “unparalleled” efforts to put Trump back in the White House … - His involvement is “unparalleled in modern history,” the New York Times reported.  — Trump's campaign didn't immediately respond to Axios' request for comment. … He may even knock on doors himself in the battleground state.

Flamin' Friday

Texas T Spills The Tea

Same skirt as in the video?

My one-time close personal acquaintance who used to cut my hair. Or Instagram. None of this damn bullshit lets one embed anything, does it?

Glad Terri sobered up & is still kicking. Apparently had to move to berlin to do it. She may well have started the black leggings & combat boots fashion thing that's still going strong. She was certainly the first dame I ever saw w/ the look, but what the hell did I ever know?

Friday Finger

And the horse you rode in on. Kiss my ass, fuck off & die, eat shit & get out of town yada yada. Also the hearse you'll ride out in. And your mom!!