Saturday, October 4, 2014

As It Happensed

Good thing I rented that crane today.
Ambulance leaves, no idea if there was a passenger. No siren, however.
Suspect in custody.
Closer & fuzzier. Note perp (All victims of the police are presumed innocent until a trial.)
in white shoes mostly hidden behind the copper w/ the shiny baton.
No idea if the engine comes w/ the ambulance as a matter of course. Three to five police cars.
Bet the farm I'm not doing any in-depth investigationleaving the property w/ a camera visible
just to see if there's another black & white on the other side of the fire engine.
Focused from afar.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

You rented a crane?

Ridin' that crane
High on cocaine
Casey Jones you better watch your speed...

Weird Dave said...

Good idea. But how did you get him to give the camera back?