Monday, August 25, 2014

Idiot Of The Day

Fuck this creepy little twerp:
Supporters of a museum dedicated to the estimated 100 million victims of communism worldwide hope to break ground on the National Mall on the 100th anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution. Why are there so few Democrats and liberals among them?
Just possibly because "The Left" are more concerned w/ the current seven billion victims of capitalism than w/ an alleged 100 million "victims" from long ago?

Where's the call for the prosecution of American war-criminals who "victimized" a million or so Iraqis? Will the junior fascists finally start worrying about that fifty yrs. from the start of Operation Iraqi Liberation?

1 comment:

Jules said...

The comparison to the Holocaust Museum is especially cute because the last I checked the USSR wasn't on the side of the Nazis.

But one of the nice things about whining for a museum on the Mall is there isn't any room. So you can continue to whine and fund raise without actually building one.

The second to last spot went to the National Museum of the American Indian. Or as I guess it could be renamed - The Museum for North Americans Slaughtered, Driven from Their Homes & Exploited by Capitalists. The last spot went to African-American History & Culture, AKA Africans Rounded Up, Enslaved, Exploited & Murdered by Capitalists.