Friday, October 7, 2011

We Just Can't Wait For
The House Of Cards To Collapse

Die, financial system, die!
"In The Absence Of A Credible Plan We Will Have A Global Financial Meltdown In Two To Three Weeks" - IMF Advisor

And a big dose of IOKIYAR financial hypocrisy from the ever-awful Eric Cantor:
When he hears the words "economic justice" he reaches for his Desert Eagle.
"Some in Washington have actually condoned the pitting of Americans against Americans," Cantor said of the protests after accusing the Obama administration's policies of being an "assault on many of our nation's bedrock principles."
Now we have a better idea of the values espoused by the Values Voters Summit.

Fortunately for Mr. Cantor, the editorial staff here is too busy anticipating the wknd. to waste our time & energy looking up some Joseph Goebbels quotes about Jewish people, "Germany's bedrock principles," & Germans being pitted against Germans.

Hey, maybe mentioning Ari Fleischer advising people to "watch what they say" would be close enough. (Careful that you don't become your enemies there, hypocrites.)

UPDATE (1444PDT 7 October 2011): Political Animal goes into detail about creepy Cantor, where we were perfectly happy to pull out the Nazi accusations & be done therewith. Show off!

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