Friday, September 16, 2011

Cookies & Nuts

So, Rick Perry is pro-Boy Scout. But some of Gov. Perry's ilk are getting very worried about the Girl Scouts of America who, according to such luminaries as Kathryn Jean Lopez, are "encouraging a permissive sexuality" & "pushing promiscuous sex on the girls." "[R]ight wing website WorldNetDaily has accused the Girl Scouts of promoting "lesbianism" and "paganism." No, really.
Boy and Girl Scouts have much in common, but from the beginning they diverged in fundamental ways, and these differences linger in the organizations to this day. The founding of Boy Scouts in 1910 stemmed from a larger turn-of-the-century crisis in Anglo-American masculinity, according to historian Susan Miller, author of Growing Girls: The Natural Origins of Girls' Organizations in America. Increasing urbanization caused Americans to worry that young men were becoming soft and emasculated; organizations like the Boy Scouts promised to restore virile masculinity. "American men were supposed to get their manhood by struggling against nature," says Miller, pointing to how Boy Scouts learned skills useful to westbound adventurers and colonialist explorers.
Honestly, we are so tired of these pin-dicks & their yada about virile masculinity &c. Considering how tense they are about people changing their sex (A nationwide epidemic of millions, right boys?) & their insistence that if you have a dick you are a dick, period, we don't get why they're so worried about becoming sissified. But who can plumb the depths of minds that disturbed? Back to the narrative we're stealing.
Two years later, Juliette Gordon Low founded the Girl Scouts, which faithfully replicated Boy Scout protocols, but for girls instead of boys. Changing the gender of the scouts, however, shifted the cultural meaning of scouting. While scouting for boys was about preserving the tradition of rugged, outdoorsy masculinity, scouting girls looked to the future, shucking off Victorian models of women as delicate flowers and replacing them with physically capable and adventurous women. (The Boy Scouts had previously backed another girls' organization, the Campfire Girls, which incorporated some elements of scouting, but with more of an eye towards domestication. Not so surprisingly, the national leadership of the Boy Scouts reacted poorly to the Girl Scouts, which had girls acting more as the Boy Scouts imagined boys should act.)
An attempt is being made to create a less secular equivalent of the Girl Scouts to keep bad think from the unsullied minds of home-schooled future servant-wives.
Girls Rock LOL!
Are they LTAO that girls do rock?

If you'd like to help the little lesbian witches destroy America & all that is good, true & beautiful, you'll have to wait until January to buy their devil-cookies. Put us down for a box or five of Dulche de Leche.

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