Friday, September 9, 2011

Class Warfare?

No, couldn't be. Not in Paul Ryan's America.No jury could convict us. (Yes, that's a threat. Whatcha gonna do?)


Dr.KennethNoisewater said...

I hope he can afford it, fuckface.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Oh the blood pressure joke is so damned funny.

Somewhere a god-damned lamp post is missing it's god-damned noose and congresswhore.

Glennis said...

"Huh whuh huh huh!" Funny-ass joke, Mr. Ryan! What if it were your dad, asshole? (I forget, did Ryan's parents die when he was young and he received SS benefits?)

We got people CHEERING for executions, and we got people laughing at 71 year old men being forced to the ground.

Perhaps the man should have been waving the fricking Gadsden flag, then they might have let him talk and respected him.

M. Bouffant said...

"Where's The Outrage?" Editor:

Just his father, we think. (Same deal w/ us. Paid our way through several institutions of higher learning.) Then he got gov't. staff jobs, & eventually was elected. Never "met a payroll" in his life, just sponged from tax-payers. Surprising, innit?