Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Media Village Idiots' Idiocy
Caused By Incestuous Relationships

Megan McArdle, going on about food, reveals something:
My brother-in-law has now officially graduated from internships to his first full-time policy job, which gave us something to celebrate this weekend
Wonderful. Another creep who never has & never will have a job/wing-nut welfare stipend that involves the production of anything but fascist bullshit, now w/ "his first full-time policy job."

A Paul Ryan in the making, we're sure.
Ryan worked as an aide to U.S. Senator Bob Kasten beginning in 1992 and as legislative director for Sam Brownback of Kansas from 1995 to 1997. He worked as a speechwriter to "drug czar" William Bennett and Jack Kemp during the latter's run for the vice presidency in 1996.
We thought the proverbial "having to make a payroll" was the only determinant of one's value, use, purpose & so on. No? You can leech from the "producers" as long as you kiss their asses while promoting their agendas? Golly, aren't the all-wise Galtian producers able to see through this scheme?


Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

Damn, a dynasty of dumbfucks.

TruculentandUnreliable said...

Why pull yourself up by your own bootstraps when your family can get you a job blowing the guys who run the elevators instead?