Saturday, February 6, 2010

For A Change, The Truth From Somewhere: Nation Of Autistic Sheep

Most journalistic suckwads & perpetuators of the conventional wisdom, upon publishing a headline such as this,

Down With the PeopleBlame the childish, ignorant American public—not politicians—for our political and economic crisis.

would follow it w/ "Ha ha, no, no, just grabbbing your attention, actually, the American people are wonderful, but elitist Democrat pols are insulting them by noting what cretns they are."

Which we wouldn't bother noting, so you can figure that this time the headline accurately reflects the body of the piece.
The more compelling explanation is that the American public lives in Candyland, where government can tackle the big problems and get out of the way at the same time. In this respect, the whole country is becoming more and more like California, where ignorance is bliss and the state's bonds have dropped to an A- rating (the same level as Libya's), thanks to a referendum system that allows the people to be even more irresponsible than their elected representatives. Middle-class Americans really don't want to hear about sacrifices or trade-offs—except as flattering descriptions about how ready we, as a people, are, or used to be, to accept them. We like the idea of hard choices in theory. When was the last time we made one in reality?
Yeah, you horrid fucking assholes? When?
Our inability to address long-term challenges makes a strong case that the United States now faces an era of historical decline. Our reluctance to recognize economic choices also portends negative effects for the rest of the world. To change this story line, we need to stop blaming the rascals we elect to office and start looking to ourselves.
As someone who's been an American citizen for over 50 yrs., we can tell you this: "Nagunna happen."


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Our inability to address long-term challenges makes a strong case that the United States now faces an era of historical decline.

No way! We're exceptional, and thus unlike every other imperial power that bogged itself down in Asian land war.

M. Bouffant said...

Relieved Editor Thanks You:

Whew. All this Gloomy Gus stuff made us forget how wonderful we all are for a moment.

Anyway, it takes two Asian land wars to stop this country!!