Monday, December 11, 2017

Free Speech, Self-Expression,
First Amendment Officially Over

This is no longer the nation in which I grew up (Harrumph!) if an American citizen can be arrested simply for expressing her sincere, heartfelt desire aloud & in public. (A desire this reporter has sincerely felt in his blackened little heart many times, but so far has expressed aloud & publically but once. Note to self: Next time be sure to have a gun.)
 Avi Selk / Washington Post:
They made her put out her cigarette.  She then threatened to kill everyone on the plane.  —  Southwest Airlines says it all started with a cigarette.  —  A passenger was smoking in the bathroom somewhere between Portland and Sacramento on Saturday, according to the airline, and had gone so far as to tamper with the smoke detector.
What if it's all some horrible mistake?

What if the poor woman meant "I will kill everyone on this fucking planet"?

No one, not even literal-minded idiots like police officers & corporate wage-slaves could possibly take that seriously, could they?

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