Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Stupid People, Stupid Nation,
Stupid, Stupid World

The 27% have become the 47%:

Fear of Terror Attack Soars

A new NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll finds that 47% of Americans believe the country is less safe now than before the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

"That's a significant increase from even a year after the twin towers fell when in September 2002 just 20% of the country said the nation was less safe. The level of fear across America also is up substantially from last year when 28% felt the same way."

Said pollster Peter Hart: "The beheadings are so chilling to the American public. The only things I think of equal impact are the self-immolations back in Vietnam."
The sooner the fucking sheep stop worrying about bullshit on the other side of the planet & wake up to the economic policies w/ which "patriotic" multinational corporations terrorize them every day the better. How much longer? Ask Barnum, he had the sheep figured out well over a century ago, & there is not the slightest indication Yankees know anything more now than they did then.

1 comment:

Weird Dave said...

You know what helps people be more afraid (besides the corporate media)?

More meth. They should add it to Coca-Cola®.