Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Today In Hegemony

So far beyond actual interest or concern we just don't know why we bother ...
In the area of international relations, it's not a healthy thing when the world's dominant military and economic power has a policy based on vagueness."
-- Former Sen. Jim Webb (D-VA), quoted by the Wall Street Journal, while saying he's "seriously considering" a White House bid in 2016.
This guy for Prez. Be honest about it, let them furriners know who's boss, they'll all shut up & get off "our" oil.

Does this mean the Democratic nomination will be between former Goldwater Girl Mme. Clinton & an Annapolis grad, ex-Marine, former Reagan Admin. Defense Dep't. flunkie & Secretary of the Navy, whenever it does happen? (How many yrs.? Almost two? Maybe we'll all be dead from Ebola by then. That's a happier future!)

1 comment:

mikey said...

Webb is a fantastic writer. If you haven't read his books, drop everything, start with Fields of Fire, the best novel of Marines in Vietnam ever written (and yes, I know about Run Between the Raindrops by the incomparable Dale Dye) and finish with Born Fighting.

I'm pretty sure he's a voice we need to keep hearing..