Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Look, a story I can illustrate w/ some recent shots. Here, for example, is the eventual 73-story Wilshire Grand whatever.
Used to be a Hilton (&/or some other hotel brand later maybe or not) had nice restrooms.
Going to assume that's not the finished product (The New New Brutalism!) but the concrete core mentioned:
[N]ew advances in building technology involving the structure's elevator shafts to be reinforced within a concrete core, which actually elevates the fire safety standard making the building even safer in emergency situations."
And you must admit this is an imposing edifice, even if it's made of four buildings.
On the other hand, this isn't really much.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

SO...how many jet hits can it take?

#too soon

M. Bouffant said...

"KA-BOOM!!!" Editor:
Fine by me. I miss those public toilets.

Weird Dave said...

Bank shot off the CITI building.