Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Asshole Generation

There's a generation of them, & they are being generated, per one of Andrew Sullivan's reader/subscribers:
As with their actions against the Nuns on the Bus, American bishops have been dismantling little liberal congregations like mine – and their best weapons are young, conservative priests.

We realized that the priests and nuns we had grown up with – Baby Boomers who started their careers with Vatican II – were all retiring and dying. Their messages of peace, acceptance and mercy and their commitment to good works for the poor were dying with them. Though young Americans are much more progressive on social issues like gay marriage, the young American men becoming priests now are decidedly not, and their influence as leaders in the Church will be felt for decades to come.
Sounds like they R.C.C. is weeding out the decent humans (many of them gay) & returning the priesthood to little Hitlers only. Interesting how the "universal" church varies so from shitty little country to shitty little country.

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