Friday, March 29, 2013

S'pose He Coulda Said "Taco Benders"

Die like a stuck pig, wouldja Don?You gotta wonder how many "niggers" his pappy hadhired in the good old days. And you can bet that whoever he "hadhired" were poorly paid & cheated out of most of their wages besides. Tomatoes were probably soaked in Alar or whatever, too. Fuck these people.


Sirius Lunacy said...

So what he's saying is that he's the son of a criminal who illegally hired undocumented workers. And though it was the labor of those workers that provided this Asshat with the lifestyle he's grown accostomed to, there are machines to do that now so the "wetbacks" can all go back across the Rio Grande.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

GOP Minority Outreach, beaches!

M. Bouffant said...

Immigration Editor:
It's possible they were legal under a bracero program. The old bastard's 79, so who knows when this happened.

Reach out & touch!

M. Bouffant said...

Northern Lights Editor:
Also, too, gee-ziz gawddamn fuck, Young has been Alaska's one & only Congressperson since 1973! Thought those people were all brave pioneers, ready to head for the unknown, to try something different. But no. Stick-in-the-mud reactionaries.

Wonder if Canada would like to take Alaska off our hands. Cheap. How much did we pay the Russkies for it?