Friday, March 29, 2013

Lost Weekend

How convenient that Hay-soos X faked his own death on a Friday afternoon, giving him & his apostolic frat brothers the whole wknd. in which to party before pulling their big "I'm not dead" prank. Must've been hell waking up in that cave Sunday morning, hungover, wondering why it was so dark in there & where his pants were.

And, Internet our ass! We cursorially searched high & wide for Pontius Pilate & the Nail-Pounding Four but the only references thereto are from us. If we could remember the name of their big hit we might have better luck. Alternately, why bother?

"Pontius Pilate & The Nail-Driving Five" do show up, but c'mon.Not actually insufferable (other than the vocals). And, pink (& black) bunny ears!


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

How about some Angry Samoans?

Weird Dave said...

But it's a good Friday.

M. Bouffant said...

Angry Editor:
Hey, that's almost the original line-up!

All Fridays good for people who don't work wknds.