Currently ignoring the fuck out of "SXSW," whatever the hell that is. (It may be over by now, for all we know or care.) The usual load of crap shoveled out by trendy assholes to would-be trendy assholes. All involved or caring should turn green & die.
It's actually not a bad thing.
Not like what's become of Burning Man, at any rate....
Purity Editor:
Well, SXSW has always been a whore-fest. Burning Man wasn't so much. Anyhoo, everything is reduced to money-grubbing sooner or later.
I read it claimed somewhere a few days ago that Teh Hipster Way to say it these days is "South By."
Which would have bugged the shit out of me three or so decades ago, but now, in my dotage, I can indulge, with at most a waggle of my excessively bushy eyebrows.
So there's that.
Eyebrows Editor;
You can trim them, or shave them & draw on new ones.
And we're so out of it we weren't clear that there it's a techie/hoor fest followed by a music fest. But suck is suck.
I do consent to my barber doing a little upkeep on my ever-looming unibrow. I mean, once one has over come the embarrassment of having one's ears needing a trim ...
In any case, better bushy than the alternative ("eyebrowless monster" (via)), I say.
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