Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Oh, Canada

Canadians (Alright, just one of them, but from - you guessed it - Canada'a complaint capital, B.C.!) take to the Internets to bemoan Canadian-ness/-osity, as it keeps him from seeing the adverts from south of the border.
What does that mean? I watched the game here in Vancouver and logged all the advertisements. When America got an overproduced Bud Light Platinum ad, British Columbia got a lightly droll spot for a domestic IPA, Alexander Keith's. Around the time America was watching John Stamos peddle Greek yogurt, British Columbia was learning about job creation and infrastructure. Shortly after America watched a joyful promo for NBC shows such as Community, British Columbia watched a local advertisement for—I kid you not—an actual community college.


Substance McGravitas said...

Real Canadians don't have televisions because current and igloos just don't mix.

M. Bouffant said...

Electricity Editor:

Excuses, excuses.