Thursday, February 9, 2012

"Not Just A Socialist"

David Frum in a very expensive Mayfair restaurant:
By the time my main course arrived, the restaurant was nearly open: just me and another table—a very loud older American man and two younger European friends, a man and a woman. He was explaining American politics to them. For what it's worth, his accent was more New Jersey than South Carolina.

"This man Obama is a communist. Not just a socialist. A communist. And his wife—she goes on these shopping sprees—it's like we're ruled by the Mugabes or something. We're going broke, and they're spending everything in sight."

He was so pleased by the Mugabe comparison that he repeated it twice more before the dinner ended.
The shopping sprees? Where the First Lady apparently spends directly from the U.S. Treasury? Not so much. And it must be nice if "going broke" involves dining in very expensive restaurants.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

That World-O-Crap post is awesome.

I've been meaning to spread the word meself, but I sprained a blogging ankle (again).

Glennis said...

Fucking bastards.