Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Probation Report

Convicted Federal felon James O'Keefe III has found a new friend, Roger L. Simon
CEO, PJ Media, LLC

Roger L. pimps Project Veritas's amazing & provocative investigation revealing that in Minnesota, you can apply to vote under the names Tim Tebow or Tom Brady.

The most telling aspect is that several of the subjects did not, for heaven's sake, recognize the names Timothy Tebow & Thomas Brady as being the names of well-known-to-the-sports-fan quarterbacks in the National Football League! No more proof is needed, is it?

Oddly, no word as to whether these attempted registrations will actually be registered by the county clerk or whoever, of course. And no indication of how this will affect any election in any way, either. Or if Project Veritas  will be sending its flying monkeys out to vote using these registrations. Which wouldn't prove much, but would be much more impressive than this crap. (Really, go ahead & finish your fraud, fuckers.)

Sweet Blood of Jesus, this is so fucking tiring. All-too-recent history should have made it perfectly clear to the American public that elections are stolen by state gov'ts. (from the head down) &/or Supreme Courts, & O'keefe should have been laughed down so many times by now that even bottom-feeders like
Roger L. Simon
CEO, PJ Media, LLC

wouldn't besmirch their bandwidth w/ his garbage. But no lessons have been learned.

The only remotely fresh observation that can made here is that, for once, rather than projecting, the right is deflecting here, hoping such stunts will draw attention from the voter suppression tactics regularly employed by the Grifting Old Party against the votes of any one but old white bastards & bitches.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Did you know the Washington Redskins won the Super Bowl?

It's true!

Substance McGravitas said...

Why not just use the Russian and have pяojekt Pravda?

M. Bouffant said...

Corrections Editor:

They're sticking w/ Latin, for the RCC connection.

Redskins did not!