We've already "reported" on the
American Heritage Girls like white on something equally (or even more) white.
Bob Morris (Real name? C'mon.)
quoted below, is an Indiana state reprersentaive. Waste of bandwidth to mention his party.
His comments were made in a letter he circulated among fellow lawmakers that was obtained by the Journal Gazette of Fort Wayne, Ind. The letter explains why Morris refused to add his name to a resolution celebrating the 100th anniversary of the scouting organization. The resolution was passed unanimously by those who chose to vote. Morris suggested that in the days ahead lawmakers will remove their names from the resolution in the wake of his revelations.
"My family and I took a view and we're sticking by it," Morris told the Associated Press this week, adding that his daughters are now members of a group for conservative Christian girls. "My girls are no longer Girl Scouts. They're now going to join American Heritage Girls."
Morris said he made his discoveries after talking to some knowledgeable constituents and conducting "a small amount of Web-based research." He said the discussion and research led to his conclusions that the Girl Scouts encourage sexual activity, are a front for Planned Parenthood, and that scouts are encouraged to look up to role models who endorse feminist, lesbian and Communist agendas.
He also noted a Colorado troop's decision to allow a transgendered boy to join, adding that the fact that First Lady Michelle Obama is honorary president of the Girl Scouts of America "should give each of us reason to pause before our individual and collective endorsement of the organization."
Well for Christ's sake (literally, it would seem) pal, if having the First Lady Of The United States as the honorary president (We won't even look, we're so sure the Girl Scouts' honorary pres. is & always has been the FLOTUS.) of the Girl Scouts makes you pause, why don't you just pack up & fucking leave these United Snakes? You do know who the real, elected & non-honorary President of the actual United States is, don't you?
A clue for Representative Bob. |
Going that extra
milefew keystrokes, we doubt that Bob has ever had or will ever get a clue.
Yikes. |
Conducting a small amount of web-based research. I think that Hawt sexay Girlscouts in Girl on Girl action.com might not be a peer reviewed publication Bobbitt.
Good god.
In his in defense, I can see the creeping lesbianism and communism in their eyes.
omfg...i cannot believe he is a real person...wtf? actually, i don't think there are enough eff word phrases in my vocabulary to accurately depict my chagrin and bewilderment that an elected official, in the year 20 and fucking twelve actually believes this...
and really? a small amount of web-based research? yes,always a credible research method...now i wanna know what he thinks they put in girls scout cookies...
again, i find my flab completely and utterly gasted...
His head looks odd- his hair seems to be sitting atop his head, rather than growing from it.
His head looks odd- his hair seems to be sitting atop his head, rather than growing from it.
you've really been noticing people's hair on blogs lately, haven't you...
Yeah, he's part of the reason we bought extra cookies this year. *sigh* The sacrifices we make for the sake of politics.
That picture of him speaks to me, it says:
"Some folks call it a sling blade, I call it a Kaiser blade."
Awards Editor:
We have a winning snob.
(Also, will accept excess cookies.)
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