Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Rick Perry's Ten Commandments Wrap-Up

Which commandment was the one about not lying?
While Perry places Texas on a pedestal for job development, hundreds of thousands of jobs are expected to be lost in the next two to three years, as a result of the sweeping and historic cuts to the Texas budget, advocated by Perry.

Huge slashes to Medicaid and health and human services marked the Texas budget, as well as some $4 billion sliced from public education, forcing about 12,000 teachers out of work so far, with up to 100,000 out a job in coming months.
Extra points for the Shiner light fixture.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

On the bright side, he and Boxturtle McConnell and Lady Lindsey should have a gay old time.

Maybe they will be distracted from stealing from the poor and giving to the rich for a moment or so.

M. Bouffant said...

Nothing Clever This Time Editor:

The reverse Robin Hood is self-perpetuating. They don't need to pay actual attention to it.