Sunday, June 12, 2011

Man-Biting Dog Barks, Too

Why, it's almost as if religion doesn't have a positive, uplifting & moral effect!
In educated people, religion is more likely to be linked to conservative views, and conservative views are more likely to be linked to support for torture.
Yes, whatever sad genetic or organic brain dysfuction allows for religious belief actually contradicts the (alleged, &/or merely for public consumption) morality of the religious.

You could have knocked us over w/ feather.

Sullivan, panties always a-twist over torture, nonetheless can not/will not condemn religion. Fucking sheep.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

And here I thought this post would be about little Ricky Santorum.

I guess it is, in a way.

M. Bouffant said...

Ick Factor Editor:

Santorum 2012!