A moment's stalking revealed she's been off the Internet radar of her own volition &, although she promised to return, no such luck!
From 20 January 2010:
Greetings, Salon readers!How's all that working out for you, Camille? We'll be glad to give you Tucker Carlson's digits if the typing-for-a-living thing isn't really happening for you right now.
Many thanks for your kind queries about my missing column. I am very grateful for your interest and support.
I have gone on hiatus from Salon to focus on my current project for Pantheon Books — a study of the visual arts intended as a companion book to "Break, Blow, Burn" (which was on poetry).
I took a similar hiatus to complete "Break, Blow, Burn." Even a monthly column is very costly in time and energy (at least at the epic Cecil B. DeMille level that I aim for). Please be aware that, unlike most columnists in the United States, I have a day job — as a full-time college teacher.
Naturally, I am bursting with opinions about the new year’s political firestorms and natural cataclysms, but that will have to wait. I will return to Salon this fall, [Fall 2010. Heh indeed. — Ed.] after my book has gone into production.
Best wishes,
Camille Paglia
The local metaphor depot is out of the ripe stuff.
...we hadn't seen or heard hide nor hair of Ms. Paglia for some time.
Seems like a good thing, as far as I'm concerned.
Very Ripe Stuff Editor:
Speak for yourself. We were quite worried once we realized there was a target shortage.
... La Paglia would listen admiringly to Rush Limbaugh, & share her admiration w/ her Salon fans ...
Did she steal that shtick from La Althouse, or was it the other way around?
In any case, I'm with Mr. Superscript: the longer the hiatus the better. Not only is she pointlessly obnoxious and way too pleased with herself, her columns permit a certain type of lying wingnut to exclaim "I am not a conservative. I even read Salon!!!1!"
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