Tuesday, May 31, 2011

There Oughta Be A Law?  There Is!

The Flag Code.


Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

"We're forced to make judgements from the outside."

Uh, Marty, you could just ignore her.

M. Bouffant said...

Animal Tales Editor Assumes:

It's one of those cobra/mongoose deals. They are locked in a duel to the death, & cannot look away.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

I see it as an example of symbiosis, M.B.

(Here's something I just googled up. It's like the moray and grouper, only their prey is our brain cells.)

M. Bouffant said...

Hates to Admit It Editor:

Mr. Superscript may be right. It is our obviously non-symbiotic nature (Leeching moochers!) that sees this as a duel to the death, as it should be.